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Bitter leaf (Vernonia amygdalina) is a perennial shrub or small tree that typically grows to a height of about 2-5m. It is a member of the Asteraceae family. 

It is an herb that is indigenous to Africa and grows in most parts of sub-Saharan Africa. In the East African country of Tanzania, it grows naturally in the wild. It typically grows to a height of 2-5m. The tree is commonly propagated through cutting.

The leaves are dark green with a characteristic odour and a bitter taste. The full-blown mature leaf is elliptical, petiolate and has a diameter of about 6mm and up to 20cm long. 

It has a grey or brown coloured bark, which has a rough texture and is flaked. It is a medicinal plant and of great importance in human diet because it contains vitamins and mineral salts.

Phytochemical and Nutritional Content of Bitter Leaf

Some of the nutrients are listed below:

  • Protein: The protein content of the leaves is quite high.
  • Carbohydrate
  • Plant lipid
  • Iron and copper
  • Ash
  • Iodine and Zinc
  • Thiamine, Vitamin A and Vitamin E 

Phytochemical screening showed that it contains :

  • Alkaloids
  • Steroids
  • Flavonoids
  • Phenols
  • Saponins
  • Terpenes
  • Cyanogenic glucoside
  • Tannin
  • Anthraquinone; Phytate; Lignans
  • Oxalate

A glass of blended bitter leaf and lemon

The above bioactive components are responsible for most of its medicinal properties. This plant has been around for hundreds of years and has been used traditionally to treat different ailments.

However, only a few people regard this wonderful herb and harness the medicinal and healing properties to their benefit. This brings us to the main discussion in this write up.

The Health Benefits of Vernonia Amygdalina (Bitter Leaf) 

Vernonia Amygdalina has been discovered to possess several medicinal properties. It is an antioxidant that protects the liver. It is an antimicrobial agent and it prevents the agglutination of red blood cells. 

It is also chemo protective, cytotoxic, anthelmintic, hypo-lipidaemic and abortifacient. It could be used to cure anorexia, Ascaris infestation, typhoid and breast cancer. 

These are general overview or summary of its health benefits /medicinal properties. Let us consider some specific health conditions that it can help with the management or treatment:                                                                        

1. Management of Type 2 Diabetes

It has been noticed even from the traditional times that the leaves have some anti-diabetic activity. An Ayurvedic medicine, it was discovered that Diabetes can be controlled by consuming the leaves of V. Amygdalina. 

Borderline sugar patient can consume two leaves in the morning before breakfast while moderate diabetes can be controlled by consuming two leaves before every meal.

In modern times, a lot of researches have been done on this amazing plant and it was actually discovered that aqueous extract of the leaves exerted a hypoglycaemic effect probably through stimulation of insulin production and glucose utilisation. This though is still under speculation, the real mechanism for reducing blood sugar is not really clear.

2. Antimicrobial Properties of Bitter Leaf

The leaves of this wonder plant have been seen through various researches to have antimicrobial activities especially against various pathogenic bacteria and viruses. 

The saponins, flavonoids, and alkaloids content are responsible for these antimicrobial properties of bitter leaves. Chewing sticks made from the wood of bitter leaves was seen to prevent the proliferation of periodontal bacteria.

3. Cancer Prevention and Management

It was discovered through research that aqueous extract of the leaves can inhibit cell growth and multiplication. 

This biological property enables it retard the growth of cancer cells. It was discovered that the leaf extract is toxic to cancerous cells. It suppresses metastasis (the spreading of cancer cells). 

The extract also suppresses the production of an enzyme which is responsible for the production of very high levels of oestrogen (a hormone associated with the development of breast cancer when it is produced in very high levels).

The high levels of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemical such as flavonoids contribute to the preventive qualities of Vernonia Amygdalina in regards to prostrate cancer.

4. Bitter leaf is Antimalaria

The leaf extract can be used to treat malaria because it suppresses the growth of malaria parasites.

antimicrobial properties of Vernonia amygdalina

5. Antioxidant Properties

The leaves contain considerable amount of phenols and have been used as a health tea. The phenolic content in the leaves indicates that it has antioxidant properties.

These are utilised in the prevention of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, heart diseases etc. It can help in boosting of the immune system due to its antioxidant properties.

6. Aids in Weight Loss

Bitter leaf juice contains Vitamin B1, also called thiamine, which is good for weight loss. In other words, thiamine helps with the metabolism of lipids, amino acids, and glucose in the human body, aiding weight loss. 

The components present also detoxifies the body and helps in increasing the metabolism rate. It helps burn the extra fat at a better pace as well, aiding weight loss. It can equally suppress appetite to eat more.

7. Bitter Leaf Lowers Blood Pressure

Hypertensive patients are advised to consume Vernonia Amygdalina because of the high content of potassium in it. The potassium prevents sodium from spiking in the blood stream by flushing out the accumulation of salt. 

This results in reduction of the blood pressure. Regular intake helps to properly regulate the blood cholesterol thereby equally reducing the constant high blood pressure, stroke and heart attack.

8. Aids in Treatment of Abdominal Issues

Bitter leaf comes in handy in treatment of abdominal issues like stomach upset, diarrhoea, dysentery and other gastrointestinal tract diseases. 

Taking a cup of the juice twice a day can help to relieve various intestinal problems and stomach cramps as well. The juice also has detoxifying properties that help you achieve a flat stomach.

9. Enhances Fertility

It is very valuable in the reproductive health of both men and women. Drinking a reasonable amount of the juice can aid fertility in women that want to conceive.  

This is possible due to the edotides present in the extract that promotes hormonal balance, boosts your immune system and help to detoxify the system. Once balance is restored to your sex hormones, the chances of being reproductive increases.

In the reproductive health of men, bitter leaf has been shown to improve sperm quality.

Vernonia amygdalina keeps you fit

10. Natural Detox

Vernonia Amygdalina juice has been used for years as a liver, kidney and lungs cleanser. It helps to tone the vital organs of the body especially the liver. 

In the case of kidney, it even prevents the formation of kidney stones. The juice helps to cleanse the stomach too. It cleanses the stomach of bad bacteria. 

It is basically because of the effect of bitter leaf in these vital organs of the body that it is referred to as a cure-all herb.

11. Bitter Leaf Boosts Immune System

The vitamin E in the leaves has anti-oxidant properties that help fight free radicals for a healthy body. A compound known as sesquiterpenoids is responsible for the bitter taste of this herb.

This compound equally helps to scavenge for free radicals from the body, terminating their activities, and strengthening the immune system.

12. Good for Bone and Teeth Health

Bitter leaf is rich in vitamin C which helps to maintain healthy bones and teeth. It equally helps to prevent other deficiencies associated with vitamin C.

Bitter leaves are good source of Vitamin K that helps in blood clotting. It is equally valuable in maintaining healthy bones and preventing osteoporosis.

13. Good for the Skin Health

Vernonia Amygdalina is very special when it comes to the skin. The antioxidant properties of the content help to fight against the effects of free radicals. The extract can help to smoothen and lighten the skin especially when applied topically. 

The leaves contain many vitamins and nutrients that help eliminate pimples, acne, and spots. It also makes the skin glow. Drinking the tea also help to prevent acne.

It can help slow down the ageing process in women and it can do this by reducing wrinkles. It helps to close up the pores on the face especially when used as facial mask.

This isn’t all though. Do you know that the juice can cure almost every reaction, inflammation, pimples, acne, dark spots, black heads, ring worm, eczema, irritation of all sorts on the skin?

You can actually apply the juice topically and you can drink it as well. Although, most people can’t stand the strong, bitter taste.

14. Aids in Breast Milk Production

Bitter leaf juice is said to increase breast milk production in nursing mothers. The local women in Guinea-Bissau use it to contract the uterus after childbirth. 

It can even be used to induce labor in women during child birth.

ways to use Vernonia amygdalina for your health

Various Ways You Can Use Bitter Leaf for Your Health

In recent times, a lot of researches have been done on bitter leaf and it is looking reassuring. Now, let us consider the various ways that this wonder herb can be utilised:

  • Bitter leaf benefits can be got by using it in food. Some people use the leaves to make delicious soups (after washing to remove most of the bitterness), porridges or just as vegetables
  • The capsules are taken as dietary supplements, made in the USA. It comes in doses of 750mg per capsule.
  • Bitter leaf can be enjoyed as tea. Tea made from dry leaves in tea bags.
  • It can be made and taken as fresh leaf juice. Just wash the leaves and blend with clean water, sieve and drink a glass first thing in the morning on empty stomach. You can actually blend the leaves with frozen cucumber cuts and take as smoothie and thank me later for the sweet, flawless, glowing skin that you will see after. You can be taking a glass two or three times a week depending on your need but don’t allow it to be too concentrated. 
  • For your skin (face or body), you can blend to a smooth paste without adding water (you can add honey) and rub on your face as mask and leave for about 30minutes before you wash off. You can equally apply it all over your body, then wash off after 30mins.

You can actually add it to your natural black soap (prepare what you can use for like 2 days at a time). The ash from burning the plant wood can equally be added to the soap for added benefits.

  • For sleeplessness(insomnia): Take 1-2 glasses of bitter leaf juice at night before bed time.
  • For Pneumonia: Warm up the juice and take a full glass like three times daily
  • For boosting energy and vitality: Take a glass of the juice three times a day.

It is good to take note that you have to wash the leaves thoroughly to get rid of parasites and bacteria before blending to extract the juice.


  • Caution should be exercised to ascertain the location where bitter leaf is planted because of some heavy metals that can pollute the soil like Cadmium, lead, and mercury and these can be harmful to the body.
  • Pregnant women should exercise some caution in its consumption because it can cause contraction of the uterus
  • Some persons are allergic to bitter leaf and can expect reaction at any time.
  • It can sometimes lead to unwanted heart outcomes since it has the ability to control blood pressure. Discuss with your doctor if you are hypertensive before taking any bitter lea supplement.
  • Bitter leaf extract should not be given to infants. Persons with liver or kidney conditions should not use the extract without medical supervision.


It can be concluded that bitter leaf is truly a cure-all herb because it has effect on almost all the vital organs of the body like the kidney, liver, stomach. In this modern time that people are going back to nature for solution, bitter leaf is not left out. 

It is among herbs of serious interest to the extent that recently it was formulated into capsules for various persons with certain health conditions like diabetes, hypertension, cancer and others as an addition to their management.