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The leaf of life is nature’s gift to humanity! It is popularly called miracle leaf because of its widespread use in traditional medicine across different cultures. 

It is equally known as life plant, Goethe plant, the Mexican love plant, Cathedral bell. The scientific name is Bryophyllum pinnatum. It is a popular house plant that has been linked to numerous health benefits. 

So many tribes and tongues have one name or the other peculiar to them that they call this plant. The leaf of life symbolises the regenerative power of life with its green fleshy appearance.


The leaf of life is native to Madagascar. It is found extensively in the Caribbean, Indian sub-continent, Brazil and the United States. It is also widely distributed in the Philippines and it is known as katakataka (an adjective meaning astonishing or remarkable). 

Description of the Leaf of Life

It is a succulent perennial herb which grows up to 2m in height. Each plant grows as the leaf drops into the soil emerging as a new plant. This is possible because the leaves have a remarkable ability to produce bulbils on their borders. 

The bulbils are baby plants that can start growing from the leaf if the leaf falls on the ground. This enables the plant reproduce asexually and cover a considerable amount of land growing laterally. 

The leaves are thick and scalloped and with dark red edges. It produces reddish-purple bell –shaped blooms in spring. The color of the leaves can vary from dark green to light green in color. 

Leaves are only found at the top end of each stem. Leaf lengths can vary from 5cm to 25cm, while the width can range from 2cm to 7cm. The stems are thick, flexible and short. 

The older is light colored, younger parts are reddish speckled with white. The flowers are pink, white or purple in color. The flower of this plant blooms over the stem at the very top. The flowers grow up to 7cm.

The fruits are enclosed in the persistent papery calyx and corolla. The seeds are small, smooth, oblong-ellipsoid, scarcely striate, smooth.

propagation of leaf of life

How to Grow Leaf of Life

I feel it is necessary for you to know how to grow your own leaf of life at home either in a pot or in the garden so that it will be handy when needed. It is very easy to grow in all soil types once there is moisture. However, it grows better in well-draining sandy soil. It propagates itself frequently and spreads by just the leaf dropping on the ground.

To grow this plant, all you have to do is to take a mature leaf and place on top of moist soil (not flooded soil) and in just a few days you will start to see roots appear, with full grown plants in a few weeks.  You can transplant to avoid clusters. Do not cover the soil where these plants are with too much manure; always allow soil to be visible so that when the leaves fall they fall on normal soil.

Leaf of life is also called ‘Live Forever plant’ since each of its leaves can produce new plants from the indention on the leaf’s edges. So, if there are 10 indentations, the plant has the potential to produce 8 – 10 new plants.

The Phytochemical Constituents of Leaf of Life

It contains some bioactive compounds that are considered to be responsible for the diverse medicinal actions that it elicits.

Active phytochemicals

  • Alkaloids
  • Triterpenes
  • Glycosides
  • Flavonoids 
  • Steroids
  • Bufadienolides
  • Lipids and Organic acids

Macro Elements

  • Magnesium 
  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorous
  • Sodium

Micro Elements

  • Iron
  • Zinc


  • Ascorbic acid
  • Riboflavin
  • Thiamine
  • Niacin

What are the Health Benefits of Leaf of Life?

The leaves, stems, roots, and flowers of this wonder plant all have therapeutic values and have rich antioxidant properties. The leaf of life is used extensively as herbal medicine.

It has been used for medicinal purposes in Jamaica for centuries as a remedy for bronchial-related conditions and in recent times, researchers are focused on its potential kidney benefits. The following are some of the health benefits of leaf of Life:

1. Respiratory Conditions

Leaf of Life works wonders as an alternative remedy for any type of respiratory conditions. It relieves shortness of breath associated with asthma and bronchitis. It can relieve cough and tightening in the chest that accompanies chest cold.

leaf of life powder

2. Diabetes

It was discovered that taking extract of the leaves of the plant could lower blood sugar levels and equally lower the ‘bad fat’ in the body known as triglycerides.

3. Aids Good Sleep

The leaf of life extract has a calming effect thereby making you experience a better sleep.

4. Intestinal Aid

When consumed as tea, leaf of life has antibacterial properties that can assist in minimizing ‘bad bacteria’ in the intestinal tract. The stem and leaves can both be steeped in water and used as a daily infusion to boost the immune system. It helps to cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

5. Prevention and Removal of Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are caused by oxalates and extract of the Leaf of Life has demonstrated ability to clear urine of oxalates. It is a huge help against kidney stones.  People taking the extract are equally protected from developing kidney stones because it alkalinises the urine. 

For kidney stones consume about 4-5 leaves with a glass of water first thing in the morning for about 2 months. It equally protects the kidneys from toxins

6. Leaf of Life Soothes Skin

The crushed leaves are often used as topical remedy for the discomfort, itch, and healing of skin conditions ranging from bites and boils to bruises and skin ulcers.

It equally hydrates the skin, helps you grow fresh and glowing skin. It prevents skin diseases.

7. Aids Wound Healing

The back of the leaf is placed on open sores and cuts to stop bleeding, prevent infections, ease pain, and promote healing.

8. Reduction of High Blood Pressure

Tea infused with the leaves of Leaf of Life acts as a diuretic and helps reduce high blood pressure. It is equally mildly sedative. If you chew 5 leaves of it with half bulb of garlic twice a day, it will lower your blood pressure in ten days. The use of the leaf of life to lower blood pressure is more beneficial to persons having kidney problems.

9. Cures Headaches and Rheumatoid Arthritis

The leaves can be crushed and mixed with coconut oil and are used for curing headache. It is also valuable in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

10. Treatment of Pile (Haemorrhoids)

It is used in the treatment of piles.

11.  Treatment of Stomach Ulcers

Leaf of Life is used to treat stomach ulcer. Locally, what has been proven to work is for you to chew washed leaf (1 leaf) and six pieces of roasted groundnut that the back has been peeled off. 

Chew these two together first thing in the morning, on empty stomach until you are completely healed. This remedy has been proven to be very effective.

12. Leaf of Life is Anti-Inflammatory

When a poultice of Leaf of Life is made and applied to any swelling in the body, its anti-inflammatory properties will significantly reduce the swelling. It works more and better when the juice is taken alongside the placing of the poultice on the swelling.

dry leaf of life13. Good for the Liver

This miracle herb helps keep the liver in optimal condition. It has been found beneficial in the treatment of hepatitis.

14. Other Uses for Leaf of Life

  • Leaf of Life is believed to help scalp health and prevents early greying of hair.
  • It can aid good vision.
  • It can prevent gall bladder stones.
  • Relieves stomach aches.
  • Treats constipation.
  • Improves sleep quality in cancer patients.
  • Helps to relieve ear ache.
  • To treat bloody diarrhea.
  • It has antimicrobial action.
  • It can be used as an antiviral.
  • It can be used as antiparasitic.
  • It has antifungal properties.
  • It can be used for fast healing of umbilical cord in new born babies.


The health benefits of this wonder leaf are numerous. Many have not been researched into though traditionally it is being used and results are seen. 

You should not substitute the above for seeing your doctor for proper diagnosis and advice. Always consult your doctor before you using this herb for any ailment listed above that you may have. 

Pregnant women should not consume the Leaf of Life.

How to use Leaf of Life

  • As herbal tea made from collected, washed and dried leaves.
  • Blended as fresh leaf juice.
  • It can be eaten raw or singed over flame of fire.
  • The stem and the leaves can be placed in water and taken daily to rid the body of mucous and waste matter

Side Effects of Leaf of Life

The common side effects are:

  • Allergy
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Nausea
  • Kidney and Liver injury in extreme case


The Leaf of Life is really a Miracle plant as it is equally called. You can see from the discussion above that it is really a nature’s gift to humanity. There are so many benefits that I have not mentioned above and have not been researched scientifically but traditionally it is being used. Every time I look around me I see potential solution to so many problems of mankind in nature. Leaf of Life truly is worth its name! Knowledge is power!