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woman suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.
August 6, 2022

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) – Symptoms and Treatment

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) previously referred to functional gastrointestinal disorders is a long lasting, non-life threatening common disorder of gut-brain interaction. Historically, it was thought to be purely a psychosomatic disorder although psychosocial factors have been note to be involved. IBS is better understood as a combination of both physiologic…
August 6, 2022

Breast Cysts – Diagnosis and Management

Breast cysts are a common diagnosis among women and one of the most common reasons for a referral to a breast clinic. These cysts can be entirely asymptomatic and only discovered incidentally, or can be symptomatic, presenting as lumps, pain, or associated nipple discharge. Perhaps the most challenging are complicated cysts,…
heat stroke
July 29, 2022

Heat Stroke – What You Should Know

Heat stroke has been on the rise. With climate changes, hotter and longer summers are being noticed in many places in the world. June 2022 has turned out to be the fourth-hottest month ever recorded — globally with more heat waves on the horizon, and a big one currently sweeping…
urinary tract infection
July 21, 2022

Urinary Tract Infection – Causes, Risk Factors And Treatment

Urinary tract infection affects your urinary tract, including your bladder (cystitis), urethra (urethritis) or kidneys (kidney infection). The urinary tract, from the kidneys to the urethral opening, typically doesn’t contain bacteria (germs) and is resistant to bacterial colonization despite frequent contamination of the distal urethra with colonic bacteria.  The urethra…
ED treatment
July 21, 2022

Erectile Dysfunction – Causes and Treatment

Erectile dysfunction is a form of male sexual dysfunction. This is any physical or psychological problem that prevents you or your partner from getting sexual satisfaction. Male sexual dysfunction is a common health problem affecting men of all ages, but is more common with increasing age. What Is Erectile Dysfunction? Erectile…
bipolar disorder
July 21, 2022

Bipolar Disorder – What You Need To Know

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that affects your moods. It can make your moods to swing from 1 extreme to another. Sadness and joy (elation) are part of everyday life. Sadness is a universal response to defeat, disappointment, and other discouraging situations while joy is a universal response to…
May 20, 2022

Alopecia ~ More To Beauty Than The Hair

What is Alopecia? Alopecia or Hair loss is the medical term for bald.  Baldness can develop anywhere on the body, including the scalp, beard area, eyebrows, eyelashes, armpits, inside your nose, or ears. It affects about 2 % of the population, no gender or age predominance and it’s not life threatening.…